In Memory – Lucy
We recently got an email from an A.R.F. adopter. We’d like to share it because it is a sweet story that reminds us why we do this – to share the love of pets with the world like Lucy did for her family. Get your tissues ready.
In 2006, my wife spotted the listing for a puppy up for adoption from A.R.F. named Lucy. It was a bit of a drive for us from McHenry, IL to the PetSmart in Naperville where you guys were holding an adoption. My wife maintains to this day that she wasn’t intending to bring a dog home that day, but after a short interview, bring her home we did. She cost $175. I was 23 years old. Never in my life have I gotten a better bargain.
Lucy shortly thereafter became “Lucy-goose” and eventually just “Goose” or “The Goose,” due to her intensely playful nature. She was a black bassedor, though her personality in those days was all lab. For a year or two, we remained at the condo we were living in at the time, before moving to an old farm house out in the country where we’ve been since 2007. Until she was 10, strangers regularly mistook her for a puppy. She eventually got up to 50 pounds, and loved life, the universe, and everything. Once, she killed a chicken. It was her proudest moment. She was the sweetest dog that has ever lived. Except for that chicken thing.
She slowed down the last few years, and reached the advanced age of 15. This year I will be 38, and have had The Goose for practically all of my adult life. This morning we awoke to our sweet puppy in distress, and she passed away in the back seat of our car as we made our way towards the emergency vet a 6 am.
To know this dog was to love her and we miss her bitterly. I can’t imagine a world where somebody would not want our wonderful dog and would give anything for her back. Fourteen years have passed. In that time we have run a business and lost it, fought more than one chronic health condition, and adopted another dog we lost three years ago, also in January. Our sweet baby was with us through it all. We don’t know what to do without her and are so grateful to have had The Goose in our lives.
Michael, from Marengo, IL.

Thank you Michael for the lovely story. We are happy that we could be a part of the journey that brought Lucy to you.