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Declawing: What It Is and A.R.F.’s Stance

Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Hannah D. Anyone who has researched becoming a cat owner has likely come across the term “declawed” and wondered what exactly that meant. Declawing is amputating the last knuckle of a cat’s toes. In a human, declawing would be like cutting off the tips of all your fingers – painful, drastic, […]

Year in Review: A.R.F.’s 2024

As we bid farewell to 2024, we at A.R.F. want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible year we’ve had and share some of our key accomplishments with you. Rescue Program Results This year, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve facilitated over 1,094 adoptions, helping more than 761 cats and 333 dogs find […]

Tips for Keeping Your Pets safe during the Holiday Season

Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Kate S. The holidays are an exciting time of family, friends, togetherness, and celebration. Unfortunately for our four-legged friends, the holidays can also bring unexpected health and safety risks. Here are some tips to keep your pets healthy and thriving through the new year! Tip #1: Institute a “no feeding the […]

Keeping Your Dogs Safe This Spooky Halloween

Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Kate S. We here at A.R.F. love the Halloween season—dressing up, carving pumpkins, and trick-or-treating. However, it’s important to keep our precious pups safe amidst the celebrations and revelry.  Ensure your dog’s safety and health this spooky season by observing the following tips and tricks. Tip 1. Keep all candy out […]

A gray and white kitten is lying across a black kitten

The Two-Kitten Argument

Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Hannah D. Cats are often painted as unsociable loners. This is not accurate! Young cats and kittens are very playful and can get the “kitten crazies” when they’re feeling energetic. This lively behavior is one of many reasons that adopting kittens in pairs, rather than alone, is highly recommended. Paired adoptions […]

Cats and Plants: Cohabitation

Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Hannah D. Curiosity, unfortunately, can kill the cat, if the human in the equation is not careful. Hopefully all cat owners are aware of how incredibly toxic lilies are to cats. The list of plants that do not mix well with cats is quite long, as demonstrated by these sites: ASPCA, […]

CBS Chicago Features A.R.F. in the Pet Rescue Highlight

Each Thursday, CBS Chicago features an animal rescue organization in the Chicago area. Watch Vicki and Natalie talk about the rescue, A.R.F’s mission, and how to get involved here. For more information on how to adopt or get involved with A.R.F please visit our website.

A.R.F.’s Adoption Fees

Prospective pet parents sometimes ask how A.R.F. sets adoption fees for our beloved dogs and cats. Numerous factors go into determining these fees and they can vary from animal to animal, as each pet is unique. Some factors include breed, health, age and availability status. Below, we will explore how each factor affects adoption fees. […]